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TGA Timeline


First described by Bender, M.

Syndrome of Isolated Episode of Confusion with Amnesia. J. Hillside Hospital. 1956;5:212-215.


First use of term TGA by Fisher,C.Transient global amnesia. Trans Am Neurol Assoc.1958;83:143-146


Fisher details a report of 17 patients Transient global amnesia. Acta Neurol Scand Suppl. 1964;40


First set of criteria for clinical use.

This criteria continues to be the foundation of a TGA diagnosis. Hodges, JR. Syndromes of TGA: towards a classification. J Neurol, Neurosurg, Psychiatry. 1990;53(10);834-843.


Hodge's 3 categories: Pure TGA, Probably Epileptic Amnesia, & Probably TIA. Little consensus as to the precise aetiology. Simons, JS and Hodges, JR. Transient Global Amnesia. Neurocase, 2000 vol 6; 211-230.

Bullet Journal


Highlighted psychological support of the patient and family.The Diagnosis and Management of Transient Global Amnesia in the Emergency Department. Harrison, M and Williams, M. Emergency Medicine Journal. June 2007; 24(6): 444-445.


TGA is regarded as one of the most remarkable neurological conditions in terms of its history, symptoms and signs. Transient global amnesia. Mandiratta, M. Neurology. August 2012; 27-29.


Has chart comparing TGA, TEA and TIA. Transient Global Amnesia. Arena, JE and Rabinstein, AA. Mayo Clinic; February 2015: 90(2): 264-272.


September: TGA Project 2017 website was created. 

Where you are currently visiting.

October: Current Perspectives Article. A very current article that covers many TGA topics by David Spiegel, Transient Global Amnesia: Current Perspectives. Dovepress. Oct 2017; 13:2691-2703.


January: TGA Project 2018 website. Listed as Support Group on National Institutes of Health site:

March: TGA Project 2018 website

March. Attended Rare Diseases Day at National Institutes of Health

Washington, DC

March: TGA Project 2018 website Certified by Health on the as a trustworthy and reliable health website. HON Conduct # 381844.

April 25-27: Attended World Orphan Drug Congress USA 2018 in Washington, DC. The  3 day conference admission was provided by the event planners for free after  we met at the Rare Disease Day  at NIH.

September 17, 2018:

TGA Project begins a collaborative pre-study survey with Mayo Clinic Dr Rabinstein. He has a future study in mind and realizes the direct contact this website has with many TGA patients around the world. Survey remains open.

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